Monday, April 5, 2010


This happened last summer. I was living at home, trying to help out my parents. My dad was having some health problems and always has projects that need to be done. But, even at 63 and with myriad health issues, he's still Superman and freakishly strong. This is what happened when he decided we needed to move a 500-gallon water tank out of the back of his shop. Keep in mind, that anything in the back is obstructed by 40 years worth of junk, and directly in front, our model-A tractor that is all taken apart because Dad is fixing/repainting it.

So, here's the conversation that followed:

Dad: Alright, I'm going to go back here, and I'll throw it over the tractor and you just catch it.
(I thought he was kidding. He wasn't.)
Me: Sure, Dad.

*a few minutes later, after "catching" it*
Dad: Now, I spose you want me to come over there and help you.
Me: That would be nice.

So, upon hearing about this, my big brother has something to say about it.

Tony: In Indiana, we just use a net and a volleyball.

Oh, my family.

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