Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh, baby

In the middle of a FB chat, my dear Ray O' Sunshine blurts out: "So, you know how babies aren't supposed to be ugly? Ya, i just found one that is."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

God's country

Yesterday, as I sat at my desk typing, I look up and see a man on horseback ride past the Tribune front door.

I love South Dakota.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Arf, arf, part deux

I think it warrants an update that this dog toy says "Play Nice" and now sits at my desk at work. When my coworkers start harassing me I squeak it and say, "Garfield says to play nice!" Or sometimes just to break the silence.

Yes, we're all adults.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Arf, arf

My mom bought me a new Garfield beanie baby, which, when I grabbed, squeaked and scared the everlivin' outta me. Because closer inspection revealed that, "Mom,this is a dog toy."

"You're kidding."

"Nope - says it right there."

"Oh. Well I didn't know that. 'Course...I might have gotten it anyway."

"Thanks, Mom."

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vaccuum fishing

So, I was cleaning out my vacuum's box and the filter fell into the dumpster...and I couldn't reach it. The only thing I could find in my house that was long enough to reach was a frying there I am at 10 p.m. in my jammies fishing a vacuum filter out of a dumpster with a frying pan.

I'm classy.

Stabba, Stabba

Today, I stabbed myself with a fork and chopped off about half of the cuticle on my thumb.

Teach me to eat brownies at 8 a.m.

Cat on a cold tin roof

So Baloo (my cat) was freaking out last night because he wanted to go outside. Tired of him curling around my feet in an attempt to see me face plant, I put him out for a couple of hours. When I open the door to let him in, he is nowhere to be found. He's needy enough that he normally comes when I call him.

So I call, "here kitty, kitty!" and of course my neighbor's two dogs come, but no cat.I can HEAR him, he sounds close - but I still can't see him.

Then I look up. There he is, on my ROOF. And he can't get down. My cat got stuck on the roof of my house. My tin-sided trailer house.

So I had to drive my car up under the awning of my porch, (and by "porch," I mean two levels of cement blocks in front of my door), climb up onto the hood of my car, and drag the cat down.

This is why I'm a dog person. Cats are dumb.

Boiling Water

Today, I got to work early and put on the coffee. But I missed a very important step, because when my coworker arrived, he looked at the coffee pot and asked, "Who brewed the pot of water?"

My life is average.


Woke up early, made breakfast, brought treats to work, got here early on layout day...then spilled half a container of Folgers on the floor. Dang it.