Friday, May 7, 2010

Mom's Super-Hero Powers

1) Eyes in the back of her head
“I saw that!” you hear, and wonder for the umpteenth time, “How? How could you possibly have seen that when you’re facing the other direction?” So you ask. “Because I’m a mom,” she says. That’s really all the explanation you’ll ever get.
2) Magical healing powers
It doesn’t matter if it’s a broken leg or a paper cut – when you’re little and you’re hurt, nothing makes it better until Mom comes in and kisses it and says it will get better. And when I’m sick, my mom is still the only person I want to take care of me.
3) Super-sonic hearing
“I heard that!” On the off chance that their extra eyes fail them, Moms have a back-up plan: ridiculously tuned hearing. You can be in the next room, whispering, and she’ll hear you. Heck, you can be mouthing the words with no sound and she’ll still know. Somehow, she’ll know.
4) Laser vision
If you spill a crumb, she’ll find it. If you have a hair on your shoulder, she’ll pick it off. And to this day, it amazes me how I can walk into a room wearing an outfit that was clean (or so I thought) when I put it on, and before she even says hi, Mom’s eyes zero-in on a spot, stain or blemish. I might have to get a magnifying glass out to see it, but it’s the first thing she notices, therefore, I have to go change clothes.
5) Story-telling abilities
No professional training necessary – no one reads Dr. Suess like Mom.
6) Built in lie-detector
You have the perfect story. You were outside, playing innocently, and heard something crash in the house - you ran in and saw the lamp broken on the floor. It must have been your sister. Or the cat. Mom walks in, and before you even get past, “I” she shuts you down with one look and two hands on her hips. You hang your head and admit, yeah, you knocked the stupid lamp over. She nods like she saw it happen. How does she do that?
7) The ability to see the future
Somehow, she knows what’s going to happen before it does. And she tries to warn you:
“Don’t set that glass there – it will tip over.”
“You’ll catch cold.”
“Put that away or it will get broken.”
And naturally you disregard her advice, because she just worries too much. Then when your head cold hits and all you want to do is drink the juice that you just tipped over onto your broken stuff, you realize – maybe Mom does know best.
8) Super-sleuth skills
You dropped your contact and can’t see where it went. You can’t find that other matching sock. You swear you left your book on the kitchen table, but it’s not there. And now that you’ve wasted so much time looking for things, you’re running late and won’t have time for breakfast. You turn the house upside down, and then Mom comes to the rescue. In a matter of minutes you’re wearing both contacts, matching socks, book in tow and out the door munching on the toast she made for you. Life. Saver.