Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

This morning, the server wouldn't work, Photoshop and InDesign crashed multiple times, and I made about 15 phone calls that got me absolutely nowhere. Yet, the Rapid City Journal seems to have a source down here on the rez, because today they, yet again, had a story about things happening here on the Rosebud. Why. Don't. We. Know. This. Stuff?!?

I had completely forgotten that today is Friday the 13th until my cousin commented about it on Facebook. And I didn't think, "Oh, now I know why all that stuff went wrong at the office."

No, this morning was fairly mild compared to the last few weeks.

Instead I thought to myself, "Wow, that's weird."

Because it would just figure that Friday the 13th, supposedly bad luck, is one of the best days I've had in a while. The weather was nice. I was out of the office allllll day, helping with/taking photos of the County Fair, and being social.

It was a good day. So yeah, really, why wouldn't everyone else's bad luck day be my best day in a while? Makes sense. Oh well. I'm not complaining. I'll take a good day any way I can get it. Hope Friday falls on the 13th again soon!

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